APPT.TXT File (c) Hewlett-Packard Company, 1990. OVERVIEW -------- The APPT application supports personal time management on the HP 48. You can scroll through dates presented in calendar format, and then view, add, edit, delete, or acknowledge appointments or reminders for the selected date. (Don't use this application to set control alarms. See the HP 48 Owner's Manual for instructions.) PROCEDURE --------- 1. Using Kermit, transfer the APPT and APDIR files from your computer into the HOME directory on your HP 48. 2. Press [VAR] {APPT} to start the program. 3. Optional: Display the desired calendar day using the {GOTO} key. (You do not have to display the calendar day to add an appointment.) 4. Select the desired menu key and complete the operation. 5. Press {STOP} to exit the program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: If you press a menu key in error that results in a prompt for input, just press [ENTER] as directed and then either press {ABORT} or reenter the information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU KEYS --------- {FIND} --Prompts for search string; searches for the specified string in the appointment messages (ignores control alarms). The displayed calendar must be January, 1990 or later. The search ignores any information preceding the displayed date. {GOTO} --Prompts for and displays specified calendar day. {ADD} --Prompts for information to add an appointment. {DATE} - Prompts for specified day. {TIME} - Prompts for appointment time (24-hour format). {MSG} - Prompts for optional message (alpha mode automatically locks). {RPT} - Prompts for number representing interval between repeating appointment/reminder; prompts for interval unit {WEEK}, {DAY}, {HOUR}, {MIN}, {SEC}, or {NONE}. {SET} - Sets appointment and returns to last displayed calendar menu. {ABRT} - Returns to calendar menu without adding appointment. {UPLD} --Uploads specified block of appointments to computer. Prompts for start and end dates of appointments. {APPTS}--Returns all appointments for highlighted date; displays new menu keys. {EDIT} - Allows you to modify appointment with the ADD menu keys. {ACK} - Prevents the alarm sound when the appointment comes due; repeat alarms will not be repeated. {DEL} - Deletes selected appointment. {ADD} - Diplays the ADD menu to add an appointment. {VIEW} - Displays the selected appointment's message. {RTN} - Returns to the calendar menu. {STOP} --Exits the application. [+] - Scrolls calendar display forward 1 month. [-] - Scrolls calendar display backward 1 month. [left-shift][+] - Scrolls calendar display forward 1 year. [left-shift][-] - Scrolls calendar display backward 1 year. EXAMPLE ------- Assume that it's February 7, 1990 and you want to set an appointment for August 27, 1990, at 2:30 pm, to repeat every two weeks. 1. Press {right-shift}{HOME}{VAR}{APPT} to start the application. 2. Optional: Use {GOTO} to display the August 27, 1990 calendar day. 3. Press {ADD} to add an appointment. 4. Press {DATE} 8.271990 [ENTER] to enter the date. 5. Press {TIME} 14.30 [ENTER] to enter the 2:30 time in 24-hour format. 6. Press {MSG} Staff meeting [ENTER] to enter the reminder message. (Note that alpha locks automatically.) 7. Press {RPT} 2 [ENTER] {WEEK} to repeat the appointment every two weeks. 8. Press {SET} to set the appointment. 9. If necessary, {GOTO} August 27, 1990. Press {APPTS} to verify that the appointment is set. 10. Press {RTN} to return to the main menu. Use {GOTO} to display the February 7, 1990 calendar. 11. Press {FIND} staff [ENTER] to display the next appointment that has a "staff" message associated. Remember, the search begins on the currently highlighted displayed calendar day and searches forward. 12. Press {STOP} to exit the application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: APDIR is a directory containing programs and variables used by the APPT application. All you need to use to run the application is APPT. If an incorrect key press interrupts the operation of APPT, the directory path to APDIR appears at the top of your display. To return to the HOME directory, press [right-shift][HOME]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------